How might visual storytelling uplift and empower the Chinese- Cantonese community whilst educating the general public about their historical hardships in New Zealand?
Introducing my honours project titled “Splintered Roots”, which is an immersive installation, using experience design and visual storytelling as a vehicle to highlight my Por-Por’s story. Focusing on the bureaucratic nature of both the Chinese and New Zealand government, visitors are invited to sit down at the dim sum table, where the consumption of food is replaced with the consumption of knowledge. Animations are projected onto the dim sum table, to create a collaborative yet intimate, shared experience.
This was not possible without the support from my family & friends, and the integral guidance from all of my lecturers at Massey. A special thank you goes to my Mum, Uncle Gavin, Uncle Michael, and Uncle Graeme, for taking the time to sit down with me and share their stories. And finally, this is dedicated to Por-Por; who immigrated to New Zealand for a better life.
You can read my final report here.
Photography of the installation live.