Booklet Design 2022: Puna

This brochure aims to inform females about the different thrifting spots in Wellington. The point of difference for each store is identified by the price range - ranging from designer items costing $200, to hand-me-downs as little as $5. Some tangible elements to identify each store include the types of clothing and the displays you would normally see, whereas the intangible elements are the head silhouettes, and the accessories they are wearing. For the tangible elements, Hunters and Collectors include the feather boa, handbag, shoes, and the clean shelving. Comparatively, the Salvation Army elements are a large pile of clothes in a trolley, and stitched-up clothing. For Recycle Boutique, these are the dresses, skirts, and the clothing rack, which acts as a “happy medium” between the two other stores. The intangible elements are the hair styles which communicate the atmosphere of the store - the bun represents “classy”, the ponytail “conventional/chill”, and the unkempt hairstyle “disorganized/chaotic”. Furthermore, the wrinkled cut-out paper aesthetic throughout the pamphlet communicates a recycled feeling, as when you thrift, nothing is new. From this process, I learnt the importance of creating an obvious distinction between each symbol, which will inform any future illustrations that I do.
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